The MAP Migration Timeline: 24 steps to your new automation platform

Migrating to a new Marketing Automation platform is a costly and complicated task, not to be taken lightly. It also requires a considerable amount of time and effort to get right.

If you’ve decided it’s time to set out on the journey (we hope you’ve read our blog: 5 things to consider before taking the leap), we’ve put together this guide on the steps we recommend taking to ensure a smooth migration.

9 months

Time to launch: 7 months

  • Determine the criteria for evaluation of the current platform and decide what level of dissatisfaction will trigger a review.
  • Identify and consult all business stakeholders to build consensus for a platform review.




Time to launch: 6 months

  • Develop the business case for migration and get buy-in from stakeholders.
  • Agree on critical features and functionality required in the go-to platform. And if a new operating model is required.
  • Identify alternative platform vendors and develop and issue a Request for Information (RFI).


Time to launch: 5 months

  • Review RFI responses and arrange demos and meetings with shortlisted vendors.
  • Conduct a full inventory of the current platform, including third party integrations, and a data asset audit.
  • Make decisions on what needs to be migrated to the go-to platform.



Time to launch: 4 months

  • Select the go-to platform, negotiate pricing and arrange provisioning.
  • Scope and plan the migration exercise including the roles and responsibilities for all stakeholders.
  • Scope and plan the development of a new data model, frameworks and lead management processes.


Time to launch: 3 months

  • Develop new models, frameworks and processes, ensuring all relevant stakeholders are involved and aligned.
  • Arrange provisioning of the go-to platform by vendor.




Time to launch: 2 months

  • Implement and configure the go-to platform.
  • Extract data from existing platforms, and prepare for upload.
  • Standardize or redesign existing programs and reports for deployment in the go-to platform.
  • Integrate CRM platform(s) and other third party tools and applications.


Time to launch: 1 month

  • Conduct technical training for hands-on users of the go-to platform.
  • Train non-users on  new operating model, process and frameworks.
  • Migrate all data, programs and digital assets to go-to platform.
  • Conduct end-to-end testing of programs.





Launch month






Launch month +1

  • Close monitoring and any necessary troubleshooting of new programs and lead management processes.
  • Completion of cut-over and end-of-life of legacy platforms.



Whether  you’re thinking of migrating to Eloqua, Marketo, Salesforce Marketing Cloud or any of the other MAPs, or if you’re still deciding, it’s important that the solution you choose is fit for purpose before you embark on the above process. Why not start by downloading our MAP Comparison Tool?