No more silos

A MarketOne white paper written for web

UBX Unified Buyer Experience

Right Foundations: How do I align communications?

Key levers:

  • Cross channel orchestration
  • Website, microsite and landing pages
  • Sequences and lead management

Optimizing a customer’s experience and their path to purchase means effective cross-channel alignment. It’s necessary to put in the right campaign foundations to ensure communications are aligned between digital and human, marketing and sales.

Cross-channel orchestration

To enable coordinated communications across digital and human channels with trackable results, best practice is to use an SEP that ensures salespeople have access to the digital tools they need to get the job done. This may include sales enablement functions such as data analytics, and customer-facing sales execution such as scripts, templates, marketing collateral and coaching modules. The aim is frictionless prospect engagement.

Website, microsite and landing pages

To drive a specific campaign, create custom web, microsite and or landing pages to align with company branding, messaging, and content. Pages and sites can be optimized for conversions with tools such as a Calendly meeting request, chatbot or live chat, web contact form, online survey, high-value gated content, and/or paid incentive.

Sequences and lead management

To push deeper engagement with a prospect, you can build sequences as a series of touchpoints. Make sure you have a process to track leads through a qualification process.

1. Crawl
The core foundation of any campaign is your web pages, whether on your website, in microsites, or wherever you host your landing pages. Start by creating and optimizing these, making the best content accessible and a clean, engaging interface to convert enquiries and create leads.
2. Walk
Even if manual, create multichannel sequences to manage your one-to-one sales messaging. This enables you to test different approaches and identify the messaging and number of cadences that deliver the best results. In parallel, ensure you have a lead management process in place to track progress and measure performance.
3. Run
Bring your siloed activities together in one place by coordinating everything via a Sales Engagement Platform. This enables the automation of sales sequences, fed both by inbound and outbound activities. It also provides the necessary reporting to carry out continuous optimization of campaigns.


Next: Right Integrations: How do I connect my tools and data?